A Life Balance Coach may be the invisible presence you need to reinvent your story and help you design the life you want to live. Coaching combines the strengths of psychotherapy (such as nonjudgemental listening and empathy) with practical planning and the principles of polarity. Hiring a Life Balance Coach is like hiring a personal trainer for your soul. Then again, you can think of your coach as a life therapist. But unlike therapy coaching centers on setting goals rather than processing old wounds. Coaching will help you move from good enough to extraordinary, from competent to creative, and will empower you to take concrete steps toward achieving your most heartfelt goals.

There is this paradoxical coaching maxim: “If you want to achieve more, begin by doing less.” You cannot welcome anything new into your life unless you make space for it. Less effort often produces better results. As your coach I know I am doing a good job when your life starts to become effortless and your dreams expand.

At its best coaching is about helping you discover what you really love to do, rather than merely encourag you to do what you are good at. I will not rest until you have reframed your life to do mostly stuff you love, get well paid for it, and are fully prepared to leverage even the humblest opportunity into a true success story.

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Dagmar I. Celeste
Ladybug Enterprises
12700 Lake Avenue
Lakewood, Ohio 44107
